Who We Are?

Gladzo Health LTD is a health and wellness company duly registered with the CAC with the registration no 1750619. Our company is located in Lagos state, Nigeria.

Our approach to health is integrative and holistic. Gladzo health LTD provides both naturopathic, and health services. In Gladzo health LTD, we go beyond drug approach to healing and wellness by utilizing holistic and alternative approaches to achieve optimal outcomes.Gladzo health LTD provides both naturopathic, and health services.


Life presents multiple choices to us as humans, so also does healing. Our aim in Gladzo health is to make the choices of conventional and alternative health therapies available to individuals. We aim at providing a kind of wellness that encompasses the sumtotal of our existence as human. This we do by providing emotional, environmental, nutritional and physiological therapies to help individuals get well.


Our vision is to integrate both conventional and alternative therapies to promote individual
wellness that cuts across all social classes both nationally and internationally.


We do not underestimate the healing power of nature, hence we utilize and optimize the
naturally available means of healing to obtain great health outcomes.
Gladzo Health and wellness center is registered with the Lagos State traditional medicine board.
We utilize herbs, food supplements, diet modification, fitness, aromatherapy and lifestyle
modifications to enhance wellness.

Our team

Our team is led by a certified Clinical Pharmacist and a qualified alternative medicine practitioner with over 6 years experience. She is supported by other health practitioners and other staff members who are passionate about optimal health care and delivery.

David Gladys

CEO | Pharmacist

Precious David


Irene Oriaku